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  • Various common insurance policies in France

    There are several types of insurance that must be purchased in France。Others are supplemental insurance。Compulsory insurance - sickness medical insurance where approved...

  • Transport in France

    In France, not only the natural and cultural landscape in various regions of the country is rich and diverse, but also not far from the rest of Europe, it is a pleasure to travel...

  • How to seek medical treatment in France

    In France, health care is open and everyone is free to choose his doctor。But it's best to find a doctor who has an agreement with the government, which means he...

  • There's too much to see and too much to eat

    Some people say that the beauty of Hokkaido, a lifetime to see four times are not enough, spring, summer, autumn and winter are different, like a myriad of young girls, beautiful。Especially every year...

  • Loans and taxes for foreigners buying real estate in the United States

    The U.S. federal government has never prohibited foreigners from buying real estate in the United States, although some states have historically done so...

  • Different time zones in American life

    (摘自美国驻上海总领事馆) 前不久我与一位住在中国大陆的朋友通电话,他问我有关美国与中国的时差,我告...

  • What do American teenagers do on summer vacation?

    (From the U.S. Embassy in Beijing) "A common summer activity for American teenagers is working。By Katherine Napper This article is "You Ask Me....

  • How do Americans use public libraries?

    (From the website of the U.S. Embassy in China) Public libraries are central to American life。It helps students do their homework and entrepreneurs manage their businesses...